Snooker Game: How did this game get the name Snooker, where did it first start

There are lovers of different games all over the world. One such game which is famous all over the world is snooker. Today most of the young generation likes to play snooker. But do you know where this game started and how it got the name snooker? Today we will tell you how this game got the name snooker.

Beginning of Snooker

According to the information, the world famous snooker game started from Narmada Club of Jabalpur. Therefore, Jabalpur is also called the father of snooker game. Its history dates back to the 17th century. However, during the 17th century, the British used to call Jabalpur by the name Jabbalpore. The British played this game for the first time here. Even today, the snooker table of the 17th century is present in the Narmada Club. The year 1707 is also mentioned in the table. At the same time, when the seat of the table is changed, then the history of the making of this table is mentioned on the table. Although the Narmada Club was built in the 18th century, the snooker table was built in the 17th century itself.

How did the name Snooker come into existence?

According to the information, there used to be an Officers’ Mess in the Narmada Club of Jabalpur Sadar. Where Lieutenant Chamberlin of the military used to enjoy the mess as well as play games. But when Lieutenant Chamberlin was playing a billiards game in the Officers’ Mess in 1875, the cadets of the Military Academy present around the billiards table were not playing a good game. When Chamberlin asked them to put the ball in the pocket, the others were not able to pool the ball. After this, he called those cadets by the name of novices i.e. snooker. After which this game which started from billiards table was named snooker.

How to play snooker 

Chamberlin had made rules of snooker just like billiards game. However, there was a lot of difference between the two games. Snooker game is played with the help of a stick. This game is played on a big table, whose size is 12*6 feet. This table has a green mat, on the four corners of which pots i.e. holes are made. Apart from this, there are two holes in the middle as well. Billiards has three different coloured balls, whereas in snooker the game is played with 22 balls. Snooker game has 15 red balls, one white ball and 6 coloured balls. Where the player has to pool the red ball. Different points are given for each ball in snooker. The ball with which snooker was played earlier. Those balls were made of elephant teeth. 

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